
When, why and how to do a shock treatment

When, why and how to do a shock treatment

When, how and why use the famous shock treatment: this is what we’ll talk about today, starting by demystifying the shock treatment. 

In both cases, whether you’re using a packet of Brillance or Smart Shock, it contains stabilized neutral chlorine to which an oxidizer has been added to destroy the chloramines in the pool water. 

The chloramine is bad chlorine; it gives a strong chlorine smell to the water or make your eyes burn when you swim. 

A clarifier is also added to ensure that the water remains clean and clear. Ideally, you should use it weekly. This way, you’ll prevent algae from building up or forming. It will also kill the chloramines and prevent that the water becomes cloudy. 

You may also have to use it more often, so be more vigilant in case of a heat wave when the temperature rises for several days or if you have several bathers in the pool. You may also have to increase it simply because the level is low. To do this, sprinkle a packet of Smart Shock or Brillance around the pool or directly in front of the water return to ensure product disperses quickly. 

This way, you’ll enjoy a clean and safe water to swim. 

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