
How to install the water return for optimal pool water filtration?

How to install the water return for optimal pool water filtration?

When opening your pool, reinstalling the water return is one of the main steps.

If you have used plugs for the winter, you must first remove them before reinstalling your pool water return.When putting back the water return eyeball and retaining ring, it’s critical to take your time to do it well despite the freezing water. A proper manipulation will ensure an optimal filtration of your pool water.

Ensure that the eyeball points downward to allow for proper mixing and better operation of the bottom drain. It should also be directed opposite the skimmer so that the water can make a complete tour of the pool before returning to the filtration system.

Now you’ll need to be careful! Screw the retaining ring but not completely. It will help you to position the eyeball correctly. While you turn the retaining ring for the last time to ensure it’s secured, the eyeball will move slightly. Remain careful and adjust it accordingly.

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