Abris d'auto

How to correctly anchor your car shelter

How to correctly anchor your car shelter

Each Trévi shelter is delivered with a basic anchoring system. Because of the harshness of the winters in Quebec, it is highly recommended to combine this anchoring with another type, either the concrete blocks, the anti-wind straps or the permanent anchoring.

Regarding the concrete blocks, the best is to install them at the same time as the car shelter. Trévi recommends the installation of 6 blocks per section of 4 to 5 ft, that is 3 on each side. For the installation, the bottom brace is inserted in the concrete block and, if the tarp is maintained by a rope system, the rope will travel from the clamp to the block slot. If you have a Secure-Lock system, the straps will be located between the blocks. 

Regarding the anti-wind straps, they are placed directly on the roof of the car shelter and firmly maintained in place to the ground with the auger poles. 

The last option is to use the permanent anchors, long term highly cost-effective and furthermore so secure that it can be used by itself. However, for the installation, it is required to have some specialized tools and a good physical fitness. Start by drilling a 17 in hole with a 7/8 bit in the driveway. Once the anchor will be inserted in the hole, you will have to get the hooks out of it. Insert a pole in the anchor and you will have to hit on it strongly enough for the hooks to come out. During winter, you fix the tarp on the top hook and, during summer, you can replace this hook by a screw with a seal ring to prevent the rust.

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