Innovations Line
Spa Trévi L-950
Among the many therapies adding to the benefits of a spa, there are some associated with light. Of course, everybody knows about luminotherapy that remedies the lack of light, but there is also chromotherapy. This therapy involves the effects of coloured lights on the human body. According to the shade selected, the wavelength that reaches the body is different and so are the benefits.
Chromotherapy works with eight colours that are the primary colours and a combination of shades of colours. Among the most sought-after colours, the blue improves sleep quality and the green helps for a better recovery from mental or chronic fatigue thanks to its tonic effects on the nervous system.
Colours can randomly alternate in the spa, or you can select your favourite one, or a colour that gives you the desired health benefits. You can also choose the area you want to light up with a specific colour; either in the jets, around the spa or the main light source.
Options are numerous and so are the choices of colours. Do not wait any longer and enjoy the benefits of chromotherapy and luminotherapy in the comfort of your spa.